
Javascript Intermediate 11 - Traversing the Javascript standard-library Object Model

First of all there is not a clear definition of Standard-Library for Javascript as it depends on the context of execution that varies a lot , depending if you are running it on a Browser, or on a container such as node.js we will be using the later one. The global object is binded to globaThis So you can see all of the Global Objects derived fr...

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Javascript Intermediate 9 - Inheritance model with a prototype chain, a demostration with pseudoclassical inheritance

Runtime Code vs Library Code First of lets clarify a distinction between the following concepts in a programming language. Core or runtime code of a Programming language: Defines the interpreter or compiler Library Code : Code written on the same programming language (same level of abstraction) that defines basic functionalities that every...

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Javascript Intermediate 8 - Differences between __proto__ and .prototype on Constructor Functions

Now that we have established the relationship between instanceObject.__proto__ (we are going to use Object.getPrototypeOf()) , and Constructor.prototype we see that. function Food () { } var popcorn = new Food(); console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(popcorn) === Food.prototype); // True We can set its prototype properties as function Food () ...

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