
Electoral Law As regionalist Mana Source Spain

Introduction Tmux case of study Bibliography (PENDING) Hacer un excel con tablas por elecciones https://infoelectoral.interior.gob.es/opencms/es/elecciones-celebradas/resultados-electorales/ https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/gobierno/gobiernosporlegislaturas/Paginas/index.aspx https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/XIV_legislatura_de_España

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Compiling a "Hello World" project locally written on Google Apps Script with Clasp

Compiling a “Hello World” Project locally written on Google Apps Script with Clasp Rather a long tittle, for a long complex endeavour that gets tangled Programming Languages, Cloud Services, Text Editors and Command Line Applications. The objective is simple, Coding locally for Google Apps Script (from now on GAS) executing that code in the te...

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Creating a Hello World Nodejs Heroku Project

Creating a simple Hello World Nodejs Heroku Project PENDING PENDING PENDING TUTORIALThis is just a quick guide to follow with the tutorial of the following video. With this tutorial you are going to be able to create a simple repository hosted in Heroku that runs Nodejs code. Understanding the environment If all of these it sounds like Greek...

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