Compiling a "Hello World" project locally written on Google Apps Script with Clasp


Compiling a “Hello World” Project locally written on Google Apps Script with Clasp

Rather a long tittle, for a long complex endeavour that gets tangled Programming Languages, Cloud Services, Text Editors and Command Line Applications.

The objective is simple, Coding locally for Google Apps Script (from now on GAS) executing that code in the terminal.

If you are reading this you should be looking at developing something in GAS, basically a programming environment based in Javascript which can be runned with a Google Account and that is able to call and automate processes on services such as: - Google Sheets - Google Docs - Google Calendar - Google Mail (Gmail) - Google Forms etc..

It has it’s own Object Model , with tons of Objects and methods in order to perform actions on this services such as writting in a certain cell of a spreadsheet upon filling in a web form while also creating a new appointment on the User Calendar and sending and email to a client.

Nobody wants to marry with a payment service, after all Google is a private company and everything you will run on their servers is subject to be charged if surpassed cetain quotas. But been able to do all these actions in such a unified way, in a platform that you can access from almost every browser in this World, securely, worth getting in the Enterprise, plus “Who knows?” maybe you end up developing something that you can monetize $$$.

The Official toolset

To start developing on this you just need to get into , while reading the documentation. If you click on New Project you will start a script, and their IDE will help you with features such as Autocomplete and so on…

If you like this, then go for it, but the next chapters will be explaining a comprehensive way of efficiently using your keystrokes while holding your focus in what you need to do.

Our toolset

We will be using Linux , with vim , and clasp which is a tool that allow us to have a little vesion control capabilities, while pushing the projects to your Google Account and run them on your terminal (we won’t say locally as remember you are using a Cloud Service Provider, we wont be downloading the whole Google Engine to create our own instance).

                                      | ------------                          _       |
 -----------    ------------------    ||Google Script  __ _  ___   ___   __ _| | ___  |
| Code      |->|Version Manager   |-> ||script.    |  / _` |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | |/ _ \ |
|           |  |clasp             |   ||| | (_| | (_) | (_) | (_| | |  __/ |
| ./ |  |./appscript,json  |   ||----------    \__, |\___/ \___/ \__, |_|\___| |
| (...)     |  |./.claspignore    |   |               |___/             |___/         |
|           |  |~/.clasprc.json   |   |                                               |
|           |  |./clasp.json      |   |                                               |
|           |  |                  |   |                                               |
|           |  |                  |   |                             ----------------  |
 ----------     ------------------    |  ---------------------     |Google Drive    | |
                                      | |Google Cloud Platform|    || |
                                      | |GCP                  |     ----------------  |
                                      | |   |     ----------------  |
                                      |  --------------------      |Google Calendar | |
                                      |                            |
                                      |                             ----------------  |
                                      |                             ----------------  |
                                      |                            |more services...| |
                                      |                             ----------------  |

Process overview

1. Setting up vim.
2. Preparing our cheatsheet.
3. Installing Clasp
4. Creating our first project.
5. Running functions from Clasp.
6. Seeing the execution log from the terminal.

If you don’t use vim you can skip 1 and 2.

Step 1. Setting up vim.

GAS uses .gs file extension, but the syntax used is a subset of javascript , in order to make vim recognise its syntax, append the following snippet on your vim ~/.vimrc

"read .gs as .js
augroup MyAutoCmds
  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.gs set filetype=javascript
augroup END

Step 2. Preparing our cheatsheet.

If you want to be able to handle such a amounts of Objects, properties and methods, you rather use the terminal to traverse through the documentation, for that I would highly recommend installing w3m to render the documentation in plaintext , and also the following snippet will make things easier for our cheatsheet.

sudo apt install w3m

vim ~/.vimrc

"Open a whole-line link in a new tab by pressing <F6>
function! Scrape()
  let url = getline('.')
  tabnew +set\ buftype=nofile Scraped
  call append(0, systemlist('w3m -dump ' . url))
  normal! gg
nnoremap <f6> :call Scrape()<CR>

Our documentation can now look something like


Now by locating your cursor on any of the lines that have a link , just press <F6> and a new tab will be loaded with all the text from that determined page.

This is in my opinion a fairly nice technique, as not expecting the object model to change drasticaly, minor changes will be updated on the pages that by doing <F6> will be re-rendered.

How I personaly like it is to Copy and paste all of this objects in the same document , then I will append a line such as -------(X) on the signature of the objects that I have already used and understood ending up with something like.

SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange()              Range                        sheet, or null if       -------(X)
                                                           there is no active
                                                           Returns the list of
                                                           active ranges in the
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRangeList()          RangeList                    active sheet or null
                                                           if there are no
                                                           ranges selected.
                                                           Gets the active
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()              Sheet                        sheet in a               -------(X)

This way we can scroll down the document and recall easily the Object Model. The issue is that we end up with a huge document of more than 100.000 lines, that will take us scrolling down forever to get a big picture of what we know, We could do something like

grep "(X)"

But we will have to update this along with the changes we introduce so the best way is to use tmux open a new-window then.

watch 'grep "(X)"'

The problem with this is that once highlight more lines than the number you have available on the height of your screen, then you will be missing the lastones, you could tail this command, but you will be missing the firstones. For that and with the help of uwharrie from we have developed the following script.

$ vim ~/bin/

#! /usr/bin/bash

# created by uwharrie from #linux irc.libera
# this script displays a refreshed  multipage output of grep
#   so you can see the output without having to enter user input
# example of use:
# '(X)' /home/fakuve/baul-documents/gs-learning.js
# it takes two arguments
#       - first argument is the string to grep
#       - second argument is the path of the input file


while true;do
    res="$(grep "$pat" "$file")"
    res_lines="$(echo "$res"|wc -l)"
    tty_lines="$(($(stty size|cut -d' ' -f1)-2))"

    for n in $(seq "$iters");do
        echo "$res"|sed -n "$beg,${end}p"
        sleep 5

Now you can do and will have as many pages alternating on your terminal without you having to do any keystroke. If you want to stop on a page use tmux copy-mode to freeze the STDOUT of your terminal (default keybinding Ctrl + b and [)

Step 3. Installing Clasp

clasp is a CLI to interface with It will let you create a project, push it , pull , clone and run functions from the terminal.

clasp is an npm dependency so install it globally

sudo npm install -g @google/clasp

You can add the following lines to your cheatsheet you will probably need to perform some actions that may be documented on their repo.

Also you can check the help page

clasp help
clasp <command> help

Step 4. Creating our first project.

You just need to log in your CLI to your Google Account with

sudo clasp login

It will open up an instance of your browser so you can authenticate to it. In my case as I code from my VPS which has no X-server running I use the following command and paste the link in my localHost Browser

sudo clasp login --no-localhost

Then we want to create a project

mkdir -p gas-scripts/myproject001
cd gas-scripts/myproject001 
clasp create --title "project001"
## Select Standalone

Now you can see new files have been generated locally with information for clasp to do its thing.

├── appsscript.json
├── .clasp.json

But also on the server side Google a script file has been generated (you can see that in , which is also a project in You can list all your projects from the CLI with

clasp list

Ok so lets write some Code. Create a file and put there a function to be runned. Note that everything has to be encapsulated by a function otherwise it wont be runned. Also you dont need to call the function within the script as their compiler will call a function directly.

$ vim ./
function main () {
	Logger.log("Hello World");

Note that GAS I said is based in Javascript but is not exactly it, so you need to see how to do certain things the GAS way , in this case Logger.log("String"); is the equivalent to console.log("String");.

Now you just need to push this changes

clasp push

Now you can go to the browser and put on the link of your script, something like ``

Press Run in the tool bar. It will show you the Execution Log popping up , Congratulatione amici !!. But hold on, this is quite not the 100% terminal based experience you sold us before. Is it? Ok we will learn how to run functions from clasp without having to use the browser.

Step 5. Running functions from Clasp.

This is quite a tricky step that can consume an unecessary amount of time of your life for just a little tweak. The process is a bit tricky and involves setting up a project on Google Cloud Platform GCP The step by step tutorial is writen in the following link1. This is the abstract of what I have done, as I got stuck on some parts.

## Create a GCP Project
>> Create Project >> Project name "gas-viewer"
					 Location "No organisation"
							>> Create
>> "gas-viewer" hamburger menu >> Settings >>
	(Write down Project ID "gas-viewer"
				Project number "422101l28129"

Now go back to your terminal

$ cd ~/gas-scripts/project001
$ clasp setting projectId gas-viewer

Now in your browser
>> Applicaton name  "clasp project"
			>> Save

Now go to your project ` on the top right corner Use Classic Editor`

Resources >> Cloud Platform project >>
						Enter Project Number Here ""
							>> Set Project "422101l28129"

Now again in Go to your settings project (“gas-viewer”) and You need to set up the App Publishing Status to Testing (it should come like this) . And add User on test Users and input your

Then authenticate

$ clasp open --creds
>> Create Credentials > OAuth cient ID
>> Application type : Desktop App
	Create > OK

Download the .json file and place it somewhere as for instance ~/creds.json

clasp login --creds ~/creds.json

You need to enable Apps Script API for that project such as in this page shows. Follow this link clicking >> Next >> Next

Also you need to modify your project vim ~/gas.scripts/projet001/appscript.json Enter the following object in the JSON body

"executionApi": {
  "access": "ANYONE"

And finally!! we can run our script. But note that we can get the output return of a certain function runned on the terminal. For that you need to re-write your vim ./ to.

function main () {
	return "Hello World";

And now you can do

clasp push
clasp run main

Sweating tears and blood we have tamed Google’s beast.

Step 6. Seeing the execution log from the terminal.

clasp allows us also to check the excution logs from the commandline, this are been refreshed every 6 seconds. So we can use the following command to perform debugging of our Scripts from the terminal. Note that this takes 30 seconds to execute, and also instead of Logger.log() use console.log() method.

clasp push ; clasp run main ; sleep 4; clasp logs

Setting up Clasp to run a function diagram

Just to recap I have made a diagram setup clasp to run a function gist

// diagram-setup-clasp-to-run-functions.txt
//  	by freddieventura

Follow from Step0 to Step 9 the path to be able to execute
clasp run functionName

|    ____ _                                       |
|   / ___| | __ _ ___ _ __                        |
|  | |   | |/ _` / __| '_ \                       |
|  | |___| | (_| \__ \ |_) |                      |
|   \____|_|\__,_|___/ .__/                       |
|                    |_|                          |
|                                                 |
|      ------------------------------------------ |
|     |config files                              ||
|     |  ----------------------------------------||
|     | |system wide                            |||
|     | |       stored in ~/                    |||
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||
|     | |  |~/.clasprc.json                 |   |||
|     | |  |clasp login                     |   ||| Step0
|     | |  |             Objects            |   |||
|     | |  |             ------------------ |   |||
|     | |  |            |token              |   |||
|     | |  |            |oauth2ClientSettings   |||
|     | |  |            |      (....)       |   |||
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||
|     |  ----------------------------------------||
|     | |scipt specific                         |||
|     | |         stored in ./path/to/project/  |||
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||
|     | |  |~/script/appscript.json         |   |||
|     | |  |clasp create --title "script1"  |   |||Step1
|     | |  |             Objects            |   |||
|     | |  |             ------------------ |   |||
|     | |  |            |timeZone           |   |||
|     | |  |            |dependencies       |   |||
|     | |  |            |exceoptionLogging  |   |||
|     | |  |            |runtimeVersion     |   |||
|     | |  |            |executionApi     ----->    
|     | |  |            |  access: ANYONE -----> Do it manually   Step7
|     | |  |            |                   |   |||
|     | |  |            |                   |   |||
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||
|     | |  |~/script/.clasp.json            |   |||
|     | |  |clasp create --title "script1"  |   |||
|     | |  |             Objects            |   |||
|     | |  |             ------------------ |   |||
|     | |  |            |scriptId           |   |||
|     | |  |            |rootDir            |   |||
|     | |  |            |projectId -> clasp setting projectId <projectId> <--\ Step6
|     | |  |            |                   |   |||                          |
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||                          |
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||                          |
|     | |  |~/script/.clasp-localhost-cred.json |||                          |
|     | |  |created on  <----------------------------------------------\
|     | |  |             Objects            |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |             ------------------ |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |installed          |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |  client_id        |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |  project_id       |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |  client_secret    |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |     (.....)       |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||                          |                  |
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |~/script/.clasprc.json          |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |clasp login --creds .clasp-localhost-cred.json  ------> Step9    |                  |
|     | |  |             Objects            |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |             ------------------ |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |token              |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |  |            |   (....)          |   |||                          |                  |
|     | |   ---------------------------------   |||                          |                  |
|     |  -------------------------------------- |||                          |                  |
|                                               |||                          |                  |
--------------------------------------------------                           |                  |
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------   |                  |
|  ____ _                 _   ____  _       _    __                       |  |                  |
| / ___| | ___  _   _  __| | |  _ \| | __ _| |_ / _| ___  _ __ _ __ ___   |  |                  |
|| |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | | |_) | |/ _` | __| |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \  |  |                  |
|| |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | |  __/| | (_| | |_|  _| (_) | |  | | | | | | |  |                  |
| \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |_|   |_|\__,_|\__|_|  \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_| |  |                  |
|                                                                         |  |                  |
|  /----------------------------------------------/                   |
|       Variables: projectId , projectNumber (given), appName             |                     |
|                                                                         |                     |
|                                                                         |                     |
|Step2>> New GCP Project                                                  |                     |
|            >> Project Name "projectId" >> Location "No organisation"    |
|                                                                 ---------> it will give as a projectNumber
|Step3>><projectId>                 |
|                 >> External                                             |                     |      |
|                         >> Create                                       |                     |      |
|                                                                         |                     |      |
|                  >> App name "clasp project"                            |                     |      |
|                  >> User Support email                                  |                     |      |
|                  >> Developer Contact Email                             |                     |      |
|                             >> Save and Continue                        |                     |      |
|                             >> Save and Continue                        |                     |      |
|                  >> (Test Users) >> Add Users ""     |                     |      |
|                                     >> Save and Continue                |                     |      |
|                                     >> Back to dashboard                |                     |      |
|Step4>> Enable Apps Script API                                           |                     |      |
|      >><projectId>     |      |
|              >> Next >> Enable                                          |                     |      |
|                                                                         |                     |      |
|Step8>> Create Oauth Credentials                                         |                     |      |
|      >><projectId>                 |      |
|           >> Create Credentials >> OAuth client ID                      |                     |      |
|                  >> Application type "Desktop App"                      |                     |      |
|                         >> Name "hostNameAA" -----------------------------------> (           |      |
|                                 >> Create                               |                     |      |
|                                 >> Download JSON  ~/script/.clasp-localhost-cred.json --------/      |
|                                                                         |                            |
|                                                                         |                            |
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------                             |
--------------------------------------------------                                                     |
|                                                 |                                                    |
|    ___ ____  _____                              |                                                    |
|   |_ _|  _ \| ____|                             |                                                    |
|    | || | | |  _|                               |                                                    |
|    | || |_| | |___                              |                                                    |
|   |___|____/|_____|                             |                                                    |
|                                                 |                                                    |
|                            |                                                    |
|                                                 |                                                    |
|Step5 >> Use classic Editor                      |                                                    |
|         > Resources > Cloud Platform Projects   |                                                    |
|                         > Enter Project Number  | <--------------------------------------------------/
|                                  > Set project  |
|                                                 |